Friday, November 21, 2014

If I were Batman

Yes, I know you're all jealous of me, sorry but I'm Batman. I would be this very badass, strong, cool, rich and a superhero fella at the same time. I can save people using my very cool gadgets like the batarang (which I can throw at people to seriously kill the ass out of him). I could go anywhere fast with my Batmobile (yes I have a Batmobile don't be jealous). I can also fly high to the sky using my Batwing (it's my own badass jet). If I have free time, I have lots of money to have fun, gamble, pick up chicks, buy very expensive stuffs and break it, buy lots of sports cars and a garage the size of FEU-IT building to put my cars in. Gotham will be such a safer place if I were Batman. Crime will be going home to his mother and never coming back.
Unlike Bruce Wayne, which is a snobby, unfriendly, quiet, not a bad-ass person, I will be this happy, super friendly, people person, ultra badass person when not in my Batman suit.

I will find the largest cave in the world and make it my Bat Cave. All my bat vehicles will be there. I'll even add in my own version of a bat vehicle, a Bat Jeepney. Bat Jeepney will be so badass that it can carry all my weapons and my sidekicks along.

Alfred will also be badass. I will give him his own bat suit and make him my sidekick. He will be the butler of Batman or for short "Butman".

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